I am right now in Heathrow Airport in London. My first flight was Awesome I read all of The Last Lecture and cried a little bit, haha! But anyways I had a blast in Seattle I did so many things that I will remember for a long time. I really was blessed by Joel and Alica they were awesome hosts and really made me fall in love with Seattle. One of the most memoriable things I did was Joel and I went to "Lazer Floyd" which was basically a laser show fit the "The Wall" by Pink Floyd. Although it was late and I was tired I had a great time. Our usher was what you would think a person working at a laser show would look like. He had extremely curly hair that went out in a triangle shape and he had really thick rimmed glasses... Anyways he was basically one of the coolest guys I've ever saw in my life... We celebrated my brothers 29th birthday and went to an awesome reasturant where I had a salmon pasta that was so good. London is probably the most diverse place I've ever been... I have seen people from probably every country known to man and heard nearly all languages on planet earth. I have ran into no trouble in Airports or with Security. Praise God! and hope that ther rest of my trips go as smooth. One thing I will say is thank you to all that are and have been praying for me I really have seen blessing and know that God is answering not only mine but manys prayers... God Bless and again Thank You!
just checking to see if you've posted anything yet... mom said you don't have easy access to the internet though - sorry about that buddy. i can't wait to see pictures though and hear about how it's going.
talk to you soon!
love you!
Praying for you, yes! I admire you and the wonders God is showing through you.
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