Thursday, January 15, 2009


It is really weird how homesickness kind just comes and goes while I'm here. The last couple days I have really just missed home a lot. I missed hanging out with friends sitting down in my parents room to watch T.V. with them. I miss driving my car, and my bedroom. But today has been better. I called Sam this morning and got to talk to him, Danny and Connor. Also I bought my ticket to go back to Kenya to visit Brea and the Leisters. I went to the immigration office because last time I went across to Kenya they told me I needed something else added onto my visa anyways I went to there and the guy told me that I couldn't be volunteering at ARMS with the visa I have. It doesn't make any sense to me, but there wasn't any problems besides that I know that if I just say I am visiting instead of volunteering then it is all ok. Anyways there hopefully won't be any problems at the border when I am going to Kenya which I leave here at 6 am but I will get into Eldoret at around 2pm. so that will be good. Anyways I also have some really really exciting news. I just got asked today to be in a music video for a local artist. So tomorrow I won't teach the dance class with the kids I will be dancing for a music video how cool is that! Anyways I still miss you all at home but I am not homesick which is good. I love you ALL! And I mean ALL of you!


ran shae said...

we miss and love you too! and i know what you mean about missing small things about home - i miss shopping at costco with mom, having waffles with my kids on a sunday morning at your guys house, getting to visit the train park this winter, i could list a million things... i guess the great thing is how small the world becomes with the internet though, right? i miss you and love that you are LIVING life large, large : )


Annette said...

Annette Betts here. I know what you mean about homesickness. When I lived in Vietnam for 5 months I was literally sick some times. And I really wanted to be there and really missed home. When I went back summer before last, for the third time, I didn't feel that way for the first time. We pray for you and ask Jesus to bless Uganda. Love you